2025 Recertification
- Those who received initial certification in 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, or 2022 are due to recertify in 2025.
- Please note: Any certified CPCS® or CPMSM® can log into their online account at any time and submit CE credits for self-tracking purposes throughout the renewal window. However, 2025 renewal applications will not be accepted until after August 1, 2025.
The NAMSS recertification program has been established to assure a level of continued competence through the ongoing enhancement of knowledge and skills in the field or provider credentialing and medical services management. Continued competence is defined by NAMSS as demonstrating knowledge, skills, or ability to proficiently perform as a Certified Provider Credentialing Specialist (CPCS®) or as a Certified Professional in Medical Services Management (CPMSM®) throughout the certificant's professional career. The NAMSS recertification program promotes continued competence throughout the certificant's career in the medical services profession by requiring submission of continuing education credits every three (3) years.
Report credits to the NAMSS Executive Office between August 1 and December 1 only, of the recertification year. Single certificants must earn thirty (30) CE credits. Dual certificants must earn forty five (45) CE credits. For single certificants, fifteen (15) of thirty (30) required hours must be NAMSS approved credits. For dual certificants, twenty five (25) of the forty five (45) required hours must be NAMSS approved credits.
NAMSS approved credits that automatically populate in the Continuing Education section are activities or events for which the third-party sponsoring organization (i.e. a state chapter or hospital system) has submitted a formal application to NAMSS to be approved for NAMSS credit.
Starting January 1, 2025, all NAMSS-approved CE credits earned for the completion of both live and on-demand education within the NAMSS Education Zone will be automatically reported on behalf of NAMSS credential holders within 7 to 10 business days. Through this process, you no longer need to self-report credit when education is completed through the NAMSS Education Zone. Any CE credits earned in the NAMSS Education Zone before January 1, 2025, will need to be self-reported.
To ensure credit is accurately reported, we recommend credential holders wait 7-10 business days after the completion of the education to check that credit is accounted for in the recertification online application.
Please note, this process differs for credit earned for the NAMSS Educational Conference and Exhibition. Credits earned at these conferences will populate 7 to 10 business days after the session evaluation deadline.
Requiring a portion of the credits for recertification to be NAMSS approved ensures that certificants are engaging in activities that are directly related to the current roles of medical services professionals. While NAMSS makes every effort to ensure that all recertification activities reported to NAMSS are of the highest quality, it is incumbent on the certificant to maximize their learning through the approved activities.
The certification cycle begins at the time of notification of successful completion of the certification examination and continues through December 1, three years later, and every three years thereafter. The certification cycle for those holding dual certification begins at the time of notification of successful completion of the first certification exam and continues through December 1, three years later, and every three years thereafter. Subsequent certifications are rolled into the initial certification cycle.
Recertification Fees
- Single Certification
- Member Rate: $200
- Non-Member Rate: $375
- Dual Certification
- Member Rate: $225
- Non-Member Rate: $400
Consider renewing or applying for a NAMSS membership prior to submitting your recertification application to receive the NAMSS member rate. If you do not renew or apply before submitting your application, you will not be eligible for the NAMSS member rate.
Qualifying Recertification CE Activities
To qualify towards your recertification, the industry-related continuing education activities in question must contribute to the MSP's continued competence in the field. Continued competence is defined by NAMSS as demonstrating knowledge, skills, or ability to proficiently perform as a certified provider credentialing specialist or as a certified professional in medical services management throughout the certificant's professional career.
One (1) hour of qualified education will qualify for 1.0 NAMSS continuing education credit, with the expectation that no more than 10 minutes of each hour may be utilized for housekeeping activities such as speaker introduction, attendance, etc. Credit is not awarded for breaks, meals, networking activities, or business or administrative meetings.
Subject Matter Expert – A current certificant may earn alternate credit for subject matter expertise provided to support a NAMSS committee or commission. Service hours will be verified by the administrative office in consultation with the committee chair. Paid subject matter experts are NOT eligible for credit. (NAMSS approved)
Item Writing – A current certificant may earn alternate credit hours by participating in an item writing workshop. One hour of credit is awarded for each hour of participation (NAMSS-approved).
- Teaching/Speaking – Credit will be granted for development/delivery of a presentation at NAMSS-Accredited programs at the rate of two (2) credits per hour (NAMSS-approved).
- Volunteer Service – Credit will be granted for volunteer service at the rate of two (2) credits per elected/appointed board or standing committee position on the NAMSS national level and 1 credit per elected/appointed board or standing committee position on the state level per year (NAMSS-approved).
- Non-NAMSS Accredited Educational Programs – Credit will be granted for attendance at non-NAMSS accredited industry-related activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, training sessions, teleconferences, webinars, or online coursework. One hour of qualified education programming will qualify for 1.0 NAMSS continuing education credit (included in each hour is a 10 minute allowance for housekeeping activities such as speaker introduction, attendance, etc.).
- College/University Courses – Credit will be granted for successful completion of a college or university course in the medical services industry topic area or teaching college/university course in the medical services industry topic area. One course may be used per recertification cycle. A three-credit course is equivalent to 12 continuing education credits.
- Published Articles or Books – Credit will be granted for articles published in Synergy (NAMSS-approved, as outlined in policy 1000.40) or books on a medical services industry-related topic.
Activities That Do Not Qualify for Continuing Education Credits:
- Attendance at internal department, medical staff, or other facility-specific or system-specific work-related meetings or content. Educational offerings (i.e. workshop, webinar, etc.) may qualify for CE credits.
- Attendance at product-specific training courses.
- Personal wellness activities such as yoga and/or fitness classes do not qualify for CE credit. Educational offerings (i.e. conference session, workshop, webinar, etc.) on managing stress and stress reduction may qualify for CE credits.
- Viewing equipment at trade shows/exhibits.
- Developing and writing policies and procedures related to work or other professional responsibilities.
- Volunteer service on non-NAMSS related boards or committees.
Extension Requests
Notice to all candidates recertifying: The Certification Commission of NAMSS (CCN) offers recertification candidates the opportunity to request an extension in the event they have not obtained the required number of CEU. Candidates must apply for the extension request in writing by contacting the NAMSS Certification team via email: certification@namss.org. Extensions will only be granted for a maximum of six months commencing on the day after the current certification expires.
You must have obtained half of the required credits (at least 15 for Single Certified and 25 for Dual Certified) to be approved for the six-month extension. Extension requests must be received no later than December 1, 2025. Please review the Request for Extension of Time Frame to Earn CEUs on page 5 of the Recertification Guidelines for additional information.
Recertification Resources and FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions
Recertification Process
When does the recertification application open?
The recertification application will open on August 1 of your renewal year. However, we recommend keeping track of your CE credits throughout your renewal cycle through your online account to expedite the process.
I clicked on the Recertification Application link and nothing came up.
Your certification may be tied to another account under your name. Please attempt to access the application with an alternate email address. If you continue to have trouble, contact certification@namss.org.
How do I know if I’m due to recertify?
You are due for recertification if you initially certified in any of the years listed here.
Per the Recertification Guidelines, certificants are solely responsible for being aware of their certification expiration date. Any communication by NAMSS is a courtesy, and lack of awareness is not sufficient grounds for an appeal.
Please make sure your email address is up to date in our system at all times. We strongly suggest using a personal email, as many business emails firewall our notifications. Certificants are solely responsible for ensuring that current contact information is on file at the NAMSS Executive Office and for meeting stated deadlines. Failure to maintain current contact information with the NAMSS office is not deemed sufficient grounds for appeal of certification expiration.
How many CE credits do I need to recertify?
If you are a single certificant, you must report at least 30 CE credits, 15 of which much be NAMSS approved. If you are a dual certificant, you must report at least 45 CE credits, 25 of which must be NAMSS approved.
Total Credits Required
CPCS® Only
30 (including a minimum of 15 NAMSS Approved Credits)
30 (including a minimum of 15 NAMSS Approved Credits)
Dual Certification
45 (including a minimum of 25 NAMSS Approved Credits)
*Total credits required can be all NAMSS Approved Credits
I became a dual certificant since my last recertification. Do I need to submit 45 credits?
If you are recertifying as a dual certificant for the first time this year, you are only required to have 30 credits. If you have 45 or more, please enter them into the system.
What is the deadline to submit my recertification application?
The deadline to submit your recertification application without a late fee is December 1 of your renewal year. You may still submit your application with an additional late fee of $50 until December 31 of your renewal year.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
What is the official recertification cycle this year?
You may submit any CE credits earned between December 2, 2022 and December 1, 2025. If you became newly certified in 2022, you may submit any credits earned after your initial certification date.
Can you show me how many CEs I have earned so far?
While NAMSS does provide CE certificates for all our CE-eligible programs, we do not track which conferences, live webinars, etc. you have attended. It is the sole responsibility of the certificant to keep track of continuing education hours.
If you are missing any CE certificates for a live webinar or live NAMSS conference or Virtual Course you have attended, please email education@namss.org and we can check our records to provide you with a copy of the CE certificate.
If you have purchased any online education in the NAMSS Education Zone (previously known as “the Online Learning Center”), you can view the online program CE certificates on your Education Zone account Dashboard. Click “Transcripts/Achievements” at the top of the page to view all the CE you have earned within the Education Zone.
Where can I find suitable CE activities?
Please refer to the NAMSS Education page to explore continuing education opportunities. NAMSS offers dozens of webinar recordings, conference recordings, Synergy and The Tomorrow’s MSP Podcast quizzes, as well as online courses that are all eligible for NAMSS-approved CE. Your employer may also offer opportunities to participate in continuing education activities.
What are the different types of CE credits?
There are three types of CE Credits.
- NAMSS Sponsored: Activities that have been administered directly by NAMSS (i.e webinar, certification prep course, or viewing recordings in the NAMSS Education Zone).
- NAMSS Approved: Activities or events for which the third-party sponsoring organization has submitted a formal application to NAMSS to be approved for NAMSS credit.
- Non-NAMSS Approved: Activities or events that are not affiliated with or sponsored by NAMSS.
All NAMSS Sponsored/Approved CEs have a NAMSS CE certificate with the NAMSS logo at the top.
How will my CE Credits be added to my Recertification Application?
- NAMSS Sponsored: Starting January 1, 2025, all NAMSS-sponsored CE credits will be automatically uploaded to your recertification application within 7 to 10 business days. Through this process, you no longer need to self-report credit when education is completed through the NAMSS Learning Zone. PLEASE NOTE: This only applies to NAMSS approved CEs earned AFTER January 1, 2025. Any CE credits earned in the NAMSS Learning Zone before January 1, 2025, will need to be self-reported.
- NAMSS Approved: Any NAMSS approved course that is NOT sponsored by NAMSS will need to be reported using the drop-down menu within the recertification application.
- Non-NAMSS Approved: Any non-NAMSS approved CE that qualifies for recertification will need to be self-reported within the recertification application.
I attended the NAMSS Conference and completed the surveys to receive CE credit. When will those CEs be uploaded to my recertification application?
Credit earned for the NAMSS Educational Conference and Exhibition will populate 7 to 10 business days after the session evaluation deadline.
I think I am missing CE certificates from a NAMSS Conference or webinar.
Please contact education@namss.org to request copies of missing CEs.
What should I list as the location for a virtual activity?
For virtual programs, please use the city and state from which you accessed the digital program as the location for the activity.
Recertification Payments
Have you received my check payment?
To check on the status of a check payment, please email info@namss.org with the check number, amount, and purpose of the payment.
My employer is paying my recertification fee by check. Will I be considered late if the check is not received by December 1?
As long as the check is dated on or before December 1 of your renewal year, you will not be considered a late applicant. If you are submitting your application after December 1, we strongly suggest paying by credit card and submitting for reimbursement from your employer to ensure your application is processed before the holidays.
What is the status of my recertification application?
Please bear in mind that the recertification application approval is a manual process. You should receive an update on your application within 3-4 weeks of NAMSS receiving your recertification fee.
When will the Good Standing Report be updated?
Please bear in mind the Good Standing Report is updated upon a renewal being approved. If your application is pending an audit and your employer needs to verify your recertification, please ask them to contact certification@namss.org.
Are recertification dues and membership dues the same?
Recertification dues are a separate cost from your NAMSS membership dues. You can be a non-member of NAMSS and still be in good standing as a certificant. For any specific questions on membership, contact info@namss.org.
When will I receive a copy of my updated certificate?
Please note that NAMSS is no longer issuing hard copies of updated certificates. All recertifying candidates will receive a digital copy of their new certificate through Credly, which can be printed. Learn more about how to download your certificate and claim your digital badge. You will receive access to your digital badge and certificate from Credly within 10 business days of the close of the recertification application window on December 1st. In the meantime, please refer to the Good Standing Report if verification of your credential(s) is needed.
When is my deadline to request a recertification extension, and how do I do so?
You have until the end of the business day on December 1, 2025 to request an extension. To formally request an extension, please submit at least half of your required CE certificates to certification@namss.org. CE tracking tables will not be accepted. All extensions are subject to audit and a $50 fee. No extension requests will be considered after December 1, 2025.
How long is my extension?
Once approved for an extension, you will have until June 1, 2026 to submit your remaining CEs to renew your certification.
I have earned my remaining CE certificates. How do I complete my recertification application?
Please log into your recertification application by following the instructions above to upload your remaining CEs. Once the upload is completed, you will be prompted to pay your recertification and extension fee.
Other Questions
What if I didn’t receive a notification that my certification was expiring?
The non-receipt of a recertification notice does not waive the requirement and will not serve as basis for an appeal to expirations. All recertification communications sent by NAMSS are considered a courtesy, and it is the sole responsibility of the certificant to keep track of their recertification timeline. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date on your NAMSS profile.
How will my name appear on my certificate?
Your name will appear on your certificate exactly how it appears in your NAMSS profile. Please make sure your information is accurate to ensure your name appears correctly on your updated certificate.
What if I miss the December 31, 2025 deadline?
As of January 1 of the year following the recertification date, a certificants status will be considered to have lapsed if the CEUs and recertification payment have not been received. All expired certificants will receive correspondence noting that they are no longer certified and may no longer use the CPCS® and/or CPMSM® designation.
A grace period for expired certificants will be allowed for a period of six months from the initial recertification date. To reinstate a certification, the candidate must have earned the required amount of CEUs during their recertification period. Candidates for reinstatement will be required to provide documentation of all CEUs to the NAMSS Executive Office, pay the recertification fee, and pay a $150 reinstatement fee.
If your certification has lapsed and you would like to reinstate during the six-month grace period from January 1- June 30 following your recertification deadline, please send an email to certification@namss.org requesting a reinstatement. Upon payment of the reinstatement fee, your recertification application will re-open and you will have until June 30 to upload the remaining CEUs and complete your application.
For reinstatement after six months past the initial expiration date, a candidate must apply as a new candidate and pass the exam.
NOTICE: As a reminder, NAMSS no longer mails printed paper certificates. Digital badges and a PDF certificate are available via Credly for new and renewal certificants. Learn more.