The NAMSS Tomorrow’s Leaders Program is designed to support individuals who are interested in growing their leadership skills to help elevate the profession and to build the next generation of leaders for NAMSS.
Who should apply?
Individuals who have demonstrated experience in volunteering with NAMSS, demonstrated commitment to the growth and success of NAMSS, and who have an interest in continuing and advancing their NAMSS volunteer experience.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be an active NAMSS member in good standing with dues paid for 2025.
- Must have at least one year of volunteer experience on a NAMSS Committee or a State Association Board.
- Must attend NAMSS 49th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Sept. 28–Oct. 1, 2025, in Portland, Oregon. NAMSS will provide complimentary registration and one night hotel stay.
This program is offered at no cost to participants, and CEs will be provided.
Application Process:
Interested participants must submit an online self-nomination form to provide the following information:
- NAMSS or state association volunteer experience
- Professional experience
- Personal statement to discuss why you’re interested in this program. What do you hope to gain from it? Why are you interested in volunteering with NAMSS and what volunteer aspirations do you have?
- One letter of support from an organizational leader with who can highlight your leadership potential based on existing merits, skills, values, and other professional qualities, as well as support your active participation in the program.
Applications for this program have closed.
Participant Expectations:
- Participants will be expected to complete all online modules prior to the start of the virtual sessions.
- Participants will be expected to attend and fully participate in all virtual sessions.
- Participants will be expected to complete all homework or reading assignments between sessions.
- Participants will be expected to attend the NAMSS Educational Conference & Exhibition for the final in person session.
- Participants will receive one-night hotel stay and free registration for the 49th Educational Conference & Exhibition, taking place Sept. 29–Oct. 2 in Portland, Oregon.
- Participants will be expected to pay for their own travel to attend the final in-person session.
- Participants will be required to remain engaged with NAMSS after the completion of the program by volunteering on a NAMSS committee, writing an article for Gateway, participating in a NAMSS webinar, or participating in another NAMSS program.
- Participants will be provided with a volunteer mentor to help them identify how best to remain engaged with NAMSS.
Curriculum Overview:
The Tomorrow’s Leaders Program will consist of the following:
- Leadership Certificate Program Online Modules (4 CEs)
Modules will be available in early March and should be completed by April 30, 2025. If you’ve previously completed these, you will be given access to brush-up on the concepts, but you won’t be asked to repeat the modules.
- Project Management and Leadership
- Financial Leadership and Decision Making
- Becoming an Effective Negotiator
- Leading a Team – Concepts for Success
- Live, interactive virtual sessions led by NAMSS Past Presidents (5 CEs)
These sessions will be hosted live beginning in May and going through September.
- NAMSS Overview & Governance Essentials
- Who You Are
- What You Do (and how you do it)
- What You Inspire
- What You Enable
- Live, interactive in-person session at the 49th Annual Conference & Exhibition in Portland, Oregon (CE TBD)
This half-day session is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, September 28, 2025. More details to follow.
Participant Benefits:
In addition to the education, networking, and skill development you’ll receive from participating in the program, you’ll also receive the following:
- Complimentary NAMSS 49th Educational Conference & Exhibition registration
- One night hotel stay to attend the final in-person course at the NAMSS Educational Conference & Exhibition (the night of Saturday, September 27, 2025)
- Breakfast and lunch during the final in-person session at the NAMSS Educational Conference & Exhibition
- Networking opportunities with NAMSS leaders (NAMSS Board, NAMSS Committee Chairs, NAMSS Past-Presidents)
- Leadership Mentor to help guide you in the next steps of your NAMSS volunteer career
- At least 9 free CEs
Questions? Please contact us at info@namss.org or 202.367.1196.