The nomination period for the 2026 NAMSS Board of Directors is now open!
Submit Your Self-Nomination
Application Deadline: May 2, 2025
Secretary-Treasurer: Term is January 1, 2026 to December 31, 2026. This position will succeed to the positions of President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President in subsequent years, a total term of four years.
Secretary-Treasurer Qualifications:
- State Association Board members must complete their entire term in their respective state prior to assuming the duties of Board
- Must have previous experience as a NAMSS Committee Chair or Vice Chair or NAMSS Board member
- Must be an active NAMSS member in good standing for the past five (5) years
- Must hold current NAMSS dual certification (both CPCS® and CPMSM®)
- Must sign and adhere to the NAMSS Volunteer Leader Agreement and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (View the full document here)
- Must abide by the NAMSS Principles of Leadership
- Must provide Reference Leadership Assessments from peer and State/NAMSS references that demonstrate the candidate's track record in adhering to the NAMSS Principles of Leadership. Must provide name and contact information for supervisor reference.
Candidates are encouraged to review the Secretary-Treasurer Job Description and Nomination and Election of NAMSS Officers and Board Members Policy prior to submitting their nomination.
Directors at Large: Three positions will be elected, each with three-year terms from January 1, 2026 to December 31, 2028.
Director at Large Qualifications:
- State Association Board members must complete their entire term in their respective state prior to assuming the duties of Board
- Must have previous experience on a NAMSS committee or State Association Board within the last five (5) years
- Must be an active NAMSS member in good standing for the past five (5) years
- Must hold a current NAMSS certification (either CPMSM® or CPCS®)
- Must sign and adhere to the NAMSS Volunteer Leader Agreement and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (View the full document here)
- Must abide by the NAMSS Principles of Leadership
- Must provide Reference Leadership Assessments from peer and State/NAMSS references that demonstrate the candidate's track record in adhering to the NAMSS Principles of Leadership. Must provide name and contact information for supervisor reference.
Candidates are encouraged to review the Director at Large Job Description, Director at Large Responsibilities, and Nomination and Election of NAMSS Officers and Board Members Policy prior to submitting their nomination.
Desired Competencies for NAMSS Board of Director Candidates
The NAMSS Board of Directors plays a critical role in shaping the future of the organization and advancing the medical services and provider enrollment professions. To ensure strong and effective leadership, NAMSS seeks board members who bring a diverse set of skills, experiences, and perspectives.
The NAMSS Board of Directors has identified the following as ideal competencies for Board candidates. While we recognize that not all candidates will demonstrate mastery of every competency, these criteria serve as a guide to increase transparency about the qualities and expertise we value in our board members. Our goal is to build a well-rounded leadership team that collectively possesses the skills needed to drive NAMSS forward.
- Interpersonal Skills
- Strong Communication
- Ability to form and nurture strong relationships with others
- Industry connections and influence
- Personal Skills
- Strategic
- Future-focused
- Innovative
- Solution-Oriented
- Professionalism
- Technical Skills/Knowledge
- Well-rounded Board with diverse knowledge, including Provider Enrollment and Quality
- Wide range of work settings (hospital, ambulatory, physician practice, FQHC, managed care, locums tenens, etc.)
- Strong presentation skills
- Well-rounded knowledge of NAMSS (committee and state experience)
- Group Skills
- Team-oriented
- Prioritize NAMSS over personal interests
- Acting on behalf of the membership/industry
- Recognizes diverse opinions; then, emerges with a unified voice
- Openness
- Collaboration/Negotiation
- Personal Attributes
- Commitment
- Integrity
- Capacity
- Resilience
- Emotional Intelligence
- Open to feedback/continuous growth & learning
- Decisiveness
By ensuring our board members possess these competencies, NAMSS can continue to lead, innovate, and support professionals in medical services management and provider enrollment.
Self-Nomination Process
All self-nominations for the 2026 NAMSS Board of Directors must be submitted using the online submission site by the deadline of May 2, 2025.
*For ease of use, have all required documents prepared and complete the self-nomination form in one sitting.
You can save and resume your form and will receive a link to resume your form that will be valid for 30 days.
PLEASE NOTE UPLOADS CANNOT BE SAVED. Once you get to the Nominee Statement page, you must finish the self-nomination form in one sitting to avoid losing any uploads.
In 2024, NAMSS updated the vetting process for Board of Director Candidates. Click here for more information.
Learn more about the NAMSS Call for Board Nominations process during our Town Hall on Wednesday, March 26th. Registration is now open!
Please Be Prepared to Upload the Following As Part of the Online Submission:
- Nominee Statement (Maximum 500 words. Please confirm your word count before submitting. Submissions that exceed the posted word count will not be considered.)
- Statement should be directed to the NAMSS membership and identify why you are interested in serving on the NAMSS Board of Directors
- Nominee Biosketch (Maximum 1000 words. Please confirm your word count before submitting. Submissions that exceed the posted word count will not be considered.)
- Biosketch should highlight special professional training, skills, or hobbies that you could bring to the NAMSS Board of Directors
- Biosketch should be a paragraph of text, not a CV.
- Signed NAMSS Volunteer Leader Agreement and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (View the full document here)
- Signed Campaign Policy Agreement
- Completed Leadership Self-Assessment (narrative should be added on page three)
- A high-resolution professional color headshot
Reference Leadership Assessment Forms
In addition to the self-nomination form, the candidate must provide names and contact information for three references from the following (please note: current Board members may not serve as references):
- One peer reference
- One reference from a state leader or committee chair familiar with their volunteer experience
- One supervisor reference
Peer and State/NAMSS leader references must complete a Reference Leadership Assessment form.
Please note: There is a separate online form for the Reference Leadership Assessments that must be completed by the peer and State/NAMSS references. It is the responsibility of the candidate to share the link to the online form with their references, and to ensure they are submitted by May 2, 2025. If both Reference Leadership Assessment forms are not submitted by May 2, 2025, the candidate's application will not be considered complete.
Self-nominators will also be required to consent to volunteer as a Board member and should consider discussing the commitment with their supervisors before applying. If the committee recommends that a candidate move forward in the election process after the candidate interview, the candidate’s supervisor will be contacted for an interview.
Questions? Please contact the NAMSS Executive Office at (202) 367-1196 or via e-mail at
CPCS® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a service mark of National Association Medical Staff Services.
CPMSM® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a service mark of National Association Medical Staff Services.