

Registration Information

You must log in, join NAMSS, or create an account before you begin an application. If you apply using another person's account, you will not be registered to take the test.

Consider renewing or applying for a NAMSS membership prior to applying for the exam to receive the NAMSS member rate. If you do not renew or apply before submitting your application, you will not be eligible for the NAMSS member rate.

Effective Fall 2024: CPCS and CPMSM exams will be split into two parts to allow for an optional 15 minute break in between parts one and two. Reference the FAQ below for more information. 

Navigating the Exam Application Process

Explore our guide and watch the below video to naviagate and comple the exam application process.



Program Stats

After an application for examination is accepted, a Notice to Schedule (NTS) will be sent via email about one month prior to the examination window opening. The NTS will include the scheduling web link, your username, and your password. When you access the online scheduling system with your username and password, you will be able to choose an exam site, date and time from the list of available sites. Please note that appointment times and site locations are on a first-come, first-served basis, and may vary in availability with each exam window.

Upon submission of the online application, you may opt to send in a check. Application payments must be postmarked by the application deadline. Incomplete applications and checks received after the postmark deadline may be subject to additional fees or may be unable to be processed.


NOTICE: As a reminder, NAMSS is no longer mailing printed paper certificates. Digital badges and a PDF certificate are available via Credly for new and renewal certificants. Learn more.


How will the exam be administered?

The exam will be given on Meazure Learning’s PASS system. We encourage candidates to take a sample test to familiarize themselves with the system before exam day.

What is the format of the exam?

The CPCS exam consists of 150 multiple-choice items. The CPMSM exam consists of 175 multiple-choice items. Both exams are divided into two parts with a scheduled 15-minute break between parts 1 and 2. You will review and answer all questions in part 1, then click “submit exam” to submit your answers. Clicking the “submit exam” button will only submit part 1 of your exam.

Why did we transition to a two part exam?

The exam was divided into two parts to offer candidates an opportunity to take a break during the exam. Previously, candidates who tested via Live Remote Proctoring were unable to take a break due to compliance with NCCA regulations. In order to comply with NCCA standards as they relate to our accreditation, the two part test was created to allow candidates a set 15 minute break.

How much time will I have to complete the exam?

You will have 3 hours to complete parts 1 and 2 of the CPCS exam and 4 hours to complete parts 1 and 2 of the CPMSM exam. You can use any portion of the total testing time for part 1 of the exam. The time remaining is available to complete part 2. For example, if you take the CPCS exam and use 2 hours on part 1 of the exam, you will have 1 hour to complete part 2 of the exam. Please be sure to allocate adequate time to complete both parts.

Will my time from Part 1 roll over to Part 2?

Yes. You can use any portion of the total testing time for part 1 of the exam. The time remaining is available to complete part 2.

Will I be able to take a break between Part 1 and Part 2?

Yes. You will have the choice to take a 15 minute break after submitting Part 1 of the exam.

When will the break occur?

The 15 minute break will occur once you review and answer all questions in part 1, then click “submit exam” to submit your answers. Clicking the “submit exam” button will only submit part 1 of your exam. At that time, you may elect to take a 15 minute break.

Am I required to take a break?

No. You are not required to take a break. When foregoing the break, you will not be able to revisit part 1 of the exam once it has been submitted. Please note, you will not have another chance to use your 15 minute break during part 2 of the exam.
